Impact of combined exposures to multiple air pollutants on breast cancer risk

J.Y. Rolland, Mon 05 February 2024, categorie Gt mmsv


Impact of combined exposures to multiple air pollutants on breast cancer risk

Camille Giampiccolo

Lundi 5 Février 2024 à 16h30
Chrono-environnement – salle -107M

The general population is continuously exposed to multiple and correlated air pollutants. To date, very few studies has assessed the impact of multiple exposures to air pollutants on breast cancer risk. To address this issue, specific statistical approaches are needed. Our objective is to estimate the association between the joint exposure to 8 air pollutants (benzo(a)oyrene, cadmium, dioxins, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, polychlorinated biphenyls, particulate matter and fine particles) and breast cancer risk.

We use a case-control study nested within the French E3N cohort. For each woman, an average annual exposure to the pollutants was estimated from 1990 to 2011. The main approach consists of using the Bayesian Profile Regression (BPR) model.

To our knowledge, this is the first study assessing the effect of exposure to a mixture of 8 air pollutants on breast cancer risk.